Author Guidelines
Authors’ Guidelines
The Journal aims to be the prime journal on women’s cancer for local health care workers and gynaecologists, focusing on all aspects of cancer prevention, detection, diagnosis and treatment. The SAJGO is also a specialist journal catering for sub-specialist gynaecologic oncologists, for other specialists with a specific interest in breast and gynaecologic cancer, including medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, surgeons, radiologists, pathologists, geneticists, specialised nurses and research scientists.
The Journal includes all aspects of female cancer prevention, diagnosis and treatment and aims to serve a broad readership. As such it should be of interest to the clinical, scientific and academic community, policy makers, government and non-government stakeholders and industry.
Cancer control programmes include primary and secondary prevention, early detection and effective treatment. These aspects form part of public health, general and specialist services and together form the important priorities of the journal.
HIV and AIDS remain problematic in the region with a severe impact on gynaecologic oncology. Papers focusing on gynaecological malignancies in HIV infected women will be prioritised. Research in this field needs to be encouraged.
The Journal encourages articles from all investigators in the fields of gynaecological and breast cancer. In particular young researchers and researchers from historically disadvantaged backgrounds will be encouraged and supported to submit their research work for publication.
Contributions from all African countries are especially welcomed. Manuscripts describing research performed at Southern African institutions and in African or developing settings will enjoy priority.
Submitted manuscripts that are not in the correct format and without the required supporting documentation specified in these guidelines will be returned to the author(s) for correction and will delay publication.
Named authors must consent to publication by signing a covering letter which should be submitted as a supplementary file. Authorship should be based on substantial contribution to:
(i) conception, design, analysis and interpretation of data;
(ii) drafting or critical revision for important intellectual content; and
(iii) approval of the version to be published. These conditions must all be met (uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals; refer to; and
(iv) exact contribution of each author must be stated.
Authors must declare all sources of support for the research and any association with a product or subject that may constitute a conflict of interest. If there is no conflict of interest to declare please include the following: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
All sources of funding should be declared. Also define the involvement of study sponsors in the study design, collection, analysis and interpretation of data; the writing of the manuscript; the decision to submit the manuscript for publication. If the study sponsors had no such involvement, this should be stated as follows: No funding source to be declared.
The submitting author must provide written confirmation of Research Ethics Committee approval for all studies including case reports. The ethics committee as well as the approval number should be included. Please provide the Ethics Committee approval letter.
Authors are advised to involve medical statisticians at the protocol stage of their research project: to plan sample size, and the selection of appropriate statistical tests for analysis and presentation.
Identifying information should not be published in written descriptions, photographs, and pedigrees unless the information is essential for scientific purposes and the patient (or parent or guardian) gives informed written consent for publication. The patient should be shown the manuscript to be published. Refer to
The rationale for analysis based on racio-ethnic-cultural categorisation should be indicated.
Shorter items are more likely to be accepted for publication, owing to space constraints and reader preferences.
Original articles
Original articles on research relevant to gynaecological oncology should not exceed 3 000 words, no more than 30 references, with up to 6 tables or figures. A structured abstract under the following headings, Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusions is a requirement and should not exceed 250 words. Five keywords should be included.
Review articles
Review articles that are of high quality and of relevance to the field will be published. Reviews will often be invited and unsolicited reviews are also considered. Reviews should not exceed 2 500 words, with a maximum of 25 references and no more than 6 tables or figures. A summary of 250 words or less is required. Five keywords should be included.
Brief Report/Case reports
Case reports should not exceed 1 500 words with no more than 15 references. Figures are limited to 4 figures and may include images or photographs. The case report should have three headings: Summary (not exceeding 100 words), Case report (with no introduction) and Discussion. Case reports will be published online only. The summary and the URL will appear in the printed version. Five keywords should be included.
Pathologist’s, Radiologist’s and Surgeon’s Corners
Pathologist’s, Radiologist’s and Surgeon’s Corners intend to describe a specific issue, finding or technique that is new, of special interest or modified. This section is limited to 1000 words and up to 5 references and will be peer reviewed. A summary of 250 words or less is required. Five keywords should be included.
Editorials and Commentaries
Editorials and Commentaries are generally invited by the Editor and are overviews of articles of other research or of issues of special interest to the subspeciality. Unsolicited commentaries are also considered. These should not exceed 1 000 words.
Correspondence or Letters to the editor
Correspondence or Letters to the editor should be short and concise, commenting on a recently published article in the Journal or a controversial or topical issue of concern to the readership. Please prepare the letter in manuscript format, including a title page. The letter must not exceed 500 words, 3 authors, 1 insert (table or figure) and 5 references. A statement of potential sources of conflict of interest must accompany the letter.
Article processing charges (APCs) are not currently charged.
Refer to articles in recent issues for the presentation of headings and subheadings. If in doubt, refer to 'uniform requirements' - Manuscripts must be provided in UK English.
The manuscript should contain the title, abstract, keywords, article text and references.
The title page should be submitted as a supplementary file and should include:
- Qualification, affiliation and contact details of ALL the authors.
- Email addresses of all author must be provided.
- ORCID number of ALL authors must be provided – if authors do not have ORCID, please register at
- Disclaimers: Acknowledgements, Declaration of conflict of interest, Funding declaration, Ethics declaration and ORCID.
- A signed copy of the title page including the declarations must be provided in PDF format. An unsigned copy of the title page MUST be submitted in MSWord format.
All abbreviations should be spelt out when first used and thereafter used consistently, e.g. 'intravenous (IV)' or 'Department of Health (DoH)'.
Scientific measurements
Scientific measurements must be expressed in SI units except blood pressure (mmHg) and haemoglobin (g/dl). Litres is denoted with a lowercase 'l' e.g. 'ml' for millilitres). Units should be preceded by a space (except for %), e.g. '40 kg' and '20 cm' but '50%'. Greater/smaller than signs (> and 40 years of age) should also be preceded by a space e.g. > 20 years. No spaces should precede ± and °, i.e. '35±6' and '19°C'.
Numbers should be written as grouped per thousand-units, i.e. 4 000, 22 160...
Quotes should be placed in single quotation marks: i.e. The respondent stated: '...' Round brackets (parentheses) should be used, as opposed to square brackets, which are reserved for denoting concentrations or insertions in direct quotes.
General formatting
The manuscript must be in Microsoft Word. Please DO NOT provide the manuscript in PDF format. Text must be 1,5-spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman font, and contain no unnecessary formatting (such as text in boxes, except for Tables). The manuscript must be free of track changes.
If tables or illustrations submitted have been published elsewhere, the author(s) should provide consent to republication obtained from the copyright holder.
Tables may be embedded in the manuscript file and provided as 'supplementary files'. They must be numbered in Roman numerals (I, II, III, ...) and referred to consecutively in the text (e.g. 'Table I'). Tables should be constructed carefully and simply for intelligible data representation. Unnecessarily complicated tables are strongly discouraged. Tables must be cell-based (i.e. not constructed with text boxes, tabs or enters) and accompanied by a concise title and column headings. Footnotes must be indicated with consecutive use of the following symbols: * † ‡ § ¶ || then ** †† ‡‡ etc.
Figures must be numbered in Arabic numerals (1,2,3, …) and referred to in the text e.g. '(Figure 1)'. Figure legends: Figure 1: 'Title...'. All illustrations/figures/graphs must be of high resolution/quality: 300 dpi or more is preferable, but images must not be resized to increase resolution. Unformatted and uncompressed images must be attached as 'supplementary files' upon submission (not embedded in the accompanying manuscript). TIFF and PNG formats are preferable; JPEG and PDF formats are accepted, but authors must be wary of image compression. Illustrations and graphs prepared in Microsoft PowerPoint or Excel must be accompanied by the original workbook.
Authors must verify references from the original sources. Only complete, correctly formatted reference lists will be accepted. Reference lists may be generated with the use of reference manager software, but the final document must be delinked from the reference database or otherwise generated manually. Citations should be inserted in the text in numerical order as superscript numbers, e.g. These regulations are endorsed by the World Health Organization,2 and others.3,4-6 The superscript reference number should come after the punctuation mark.
All references should be listed at the end of the article in numerical order of appearance in the Vancouver style (not alphabetical order). Approved abbreviations of journal titles must be used; see the List of Journals in Index Medicus. Names and initials of all authors should be given; if there are more than six authors, the first three names should be given followed by et al. First and last page, volume and issue numbers should be given. Wherever possible, references must be accompanied by a digital object identifier (DOI) link. Authors are encouraged to use the DOI lookup service offered by CrossRef. Crossref DOIs should always be displayed as a full URL link in the form
Journal references: Price NC, Jacobs NN, Roberts DA, et al. Importance of asking about glaucoma. Stat Med. 1998;289(1):350-355.
Book references: Jeffcoate N. Principles of Gynaecology. 4th ed. London: Butterworth, 1975:96-101. Chapter/section in a book: Weinstein L, Swartz MN. Pathogenic Properties of Invading Microorganisms. In: Sodeman WA jun, Sodeman WA, eds. Pathologic Physiology: Mechanisms of Disease. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1974:457-472.
Internet references: World Health Organization. The World Health Report 2002 - Reducing Risks, Promoting Healthy Life. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2002. Accessed 16 January 2010.
Other references (e.g. reports) should follow the same format: Author(s). Title. Publisher place: publisher name, year; pages. Cited manuscripts that have been accepted but not yet published can be included as references followed by '(in press)'. Unpublished observations and personal communications in the text must not appear in the reference list. The full name of the source person must be provided for personal communications e.g. '...(Prof. Michael Jones, personal communication)'.
A covering letter to the editor is mandatory and must include statements that the manuscript has not been published previously and is not under review elsewhere. It should state details of any prior publication of the research in abstract form or in Congress proceedings. The letter must declare if any of the authors have a conflict of interest and that the requirements for submission, including ethics approval and patient permission for case reports have been fulfilled. All authors must sign the covering letter.
Please provide the names and email addresses of three possible reviewers for this manuscript.
Manuscripts, after vetting by the editorial team, are assigned for peer-review to 2 reviewers, conversant with the particular field of research. The reviewers and the authors are blinded to each other’s identity. The turn-around time for review and initial editorial decision notification aims to be within 6 weeks of submission.
A PDF proof of an article may be sent to the corresponding author before publication to resolve remaining queries. At that stage, only typographical changes are permitted; the corresponding author is required, having conferred with his/her co-authors, to reply within 2 working days in order for the article to be published in the issue for which it has been scheduled.
Please notify the editorial department of any contact detail changes, including email, to facilitate communication.
The SAJGO is committed to protecting the privacy of the users of this journal website. The names, personal particulars and email addresses entered in this website will be used only for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available to third parties without the user’s permission or due process. Users consent to receive communication from the SAJGO for the stated purposes of the journal. Queries with regard to privacy may be directed to [email protected].
Submission Preparation Checklist
All submissions must meet the following requirements.
- This manuscript has currently only been submitted to SAJGO and has not been published previously.
- This work is original and all third party contributions (images, ideas and results) have been duly attributed to the originator(s).
- Permission to publish licensed material (tables, figures, graphs) has been obtained and the letter of approval and proof of payment for royalties have been submitted as supplementary files.
- The submitting/corresponding author is duly authorised to herewith assign copyright to the SAJGO.
- All co-authors have made significant contributions to the manuscript to qualify as co-authors.
- Ethics committee approval has been obtained for original studies and is clearly stated in the methodology.
- A conflict of interest statement has been included where appropriate.
- The submission adheres to the instructions to authors in terms of all technical aspects of the manuscript.
Original Research
(2800-3200 words)(4-5 pages)
Case Studies
(1 800 words)(3 pages)
Copyright Notice
South African Journal of Gynaecological Oncology (SAJGO) Copyright is held by South African Society of Gynaecologic Oncology (SASGO). The work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial Works 4.0 South Africa License (CC-NC BY 4.0). Material submitted for publication in the SAJGO is accepted provided it has not been published elsewhere. SAJGO does not hold itself responsible for statements made by the authors. The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors. They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of the SASGO or its members.
Authors may use their own work after publication without written permission, provided they acknowledge the original source. Individuals and academic institutions may freely copy and distribute articles published in SAJGO for educational and research purposes without obtaining permission.
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.